Posts Tagged ‘Apostles Creed’


Doctrine matters…really. There are two important things to keep in mind. Matters of doctrine or as John Piper calls them “theological trademarks” are not new, or distinctive to us, they are not a niche or eccentric. True apostolic doctrine all have wide foundations in the Bible and deep roots in the history of God’s people. What you and I read in the Apostles Creed or in the Nicene Creed, really matter. The true apostolic teaching revealed in Holy Scripture, and through the writings of the early Church fathers, and the Reformers are treasures for the Church today. These doctrines are fundamentally eternal truths that we must immerse ourselves in so that we can increase the vision of our awesome God so much that we will want to act on them. These teachings will make us want to build something, to start something, to dream big, and risk even more for the glory of God in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah! I pray for nothing less.